Liveable Communities Toolkit

Liveable Communities Toolkit




The Liveable Communities Toolkit has information for councils and communities to help Tasmanians of all ages, backgrounds, and circumstances to live safe, healthy and respected lives in their community.

Liveable Communities (also known as Age Friendly Communities) make sure that every part of community is safe, affordable, high quality, and easy to access or find information about.

The Toolkit includes information about:

  • What Liveable Communities are;
  • How they can be achieved;
  • Where to go for more information.


  1. What is a Liveable Community
  2. Tasmania’s Ageing Population
  3. How Do We Become a Liveable Community?
  4. Communicating with Your Community
  5. Engaging with Your Community
  6. 10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Community’s Liveability
  7. 5 Large Scale Ways to Improve Your Community’s Liveability
  8. Liveable Community Resources

You can watch the Toolkit’s 2020 launch and webinar presentations from councils across Tasmania below:


Other useful liveable communities information is available below:


  1. General Information and Guides
  2. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
  3. Transportation 
  4. Housing 
  5. Social Participation 
  6. Respect and Social Inclusion 
  7. Civic Participation and Employment 
  8. Communication and Information 
  9. Community and Health Services 

We would love your ideas to help us develop these Liveable Community resources.

Do you know of a project, website, or research that is great for Liveable Communities?

Email so we can add it to this resource list.