Care Finder Program

Care Finder Program

Quick Enquiry:

Are you struggling to access Aged Care services and have no one to help?

COTA Tasmania’s Care Finders program is a free and friendly community service.  We offer guidance through the Aged Care system for those experiencing challenges and have circumstances that make it difficult to navigate alone. We are here to work alongside you to access Aged Care and other support services.

This program is supported by funding from Primary Health Tasmania (Tasmania PHN) through the Australian Government’s Primary Health Networks Program.

What support can a Care Finder provide?

  • Free and independent information about the Aged Care system and available care and support options
  • Interacting with My Aged Care and health professionals
  • Arranging and attending care/health assessments
  • Accessing aged/home or allied health services
  • Researching available options and engaging with providers
  • Providing guidance on completion of forms and understanding service agreements
  • Checking in once services are up and running
  • Helping with other challenges and connecting with community-based supports.

Who is eligible

Care Finder is specifically designed to help older people who are eligible for government-funded aged care but need extra support to navigate the system, such as people who:

  • have no one available in their life to assist
  • have difficulty communicating their wishes and needs
  • find it difficult to understand information and make decisions
  • are reluctant to engage with aged care or government services
  • are in an unsafe situation if they do not receive services

How do I know if I am (or someone I know is) eligible for Care Finder support?

If you answer yes to all three questions, the Care Finder program could be for you.


*50 years+ for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people, or people on low income and at risk of homelessness. 45 years+ ATSI and on low income and at risk of homelessness.

Yes   Unsure

Next steps – getting support

How it works


Anyone can make a referral to COTA Tas Care Finder. Community service, health or government organisations, neighbours, friends, and members of the community.


Free from conflict of interest, not affiliated with direct care providers


We need and will seek client permission for any referrals and we will always seek a person’s permission before discussing the situation with anyone.

Client Directed

We don’t make decisions for you. We can help you understand your options and follow your direction.


Our services are free of charge. We are funded by the Australian Government care finder program.

Case managed

We work with each individual, for as long as required to establish supports.

Where we work

COTA Tasmania is a statewide care finder provider in Tasmania, commissioned by the Tasmania Primary Heath Network (PHT).

A Care Finder can provide intensive support by phone, face to face meetings, emails and by post.

COTA Tasmania Care Finder program supports people in rural and remote areas across Tasmania.

COTA Tasmania Care Finders Offices are in:

  • Hobart
  • Launceston
  • Burnie

What we cannot help with

Care Finders cannot recommend which provider or service a person should choose, or provide financial or legal advice.

Where we are unable to assist, we will refer you to the appropriate service.

Frequently asked questions

What is COTA (Council on the Ageing) Tasmania Care Finder?

Care Finders at COTA Tasmania provide individual support to vulnerable older Tasmanians, who have no one to help navigate the aged care system, including those from diverse backgrounds, to access aged care and other services in the community.

Who can receive help from a Care Finder?

Care Finder is specifically designed to help older people who are eligible for government-funded aged care but need extra support to navigate systems, such as people who:

  • have no one available in their life to assist
  • have difficulty communicating their wishes and needs
  • find it difficult to understand information and make decisions
  • are reluctant to engage with aged care or government services
  • are in an unsafe situation if they do not receive services
Is there a cost to have the support of a Care Finder?

No, our services are free and funded by the Australian Government.

Who can contact or refer to the Care Finder at COTA Tasmania?

Anyone can make a referral to COTA Tasmania Care Finder.

Community service, health or government organisations can refer their clients who would need assistance to access and establish aged care services, or neighbours, friends and members of the community might contact COTA Tasmania Care Finder to help an older person they know who is struggling at home and needs support.

Our Care Finders can assist with accessing aged care services for the first time, or finding a range of additional services and supports in the community.

What support can a Care Finder provide?
  • Free and independent information about available care and support options
  • Arranging and attending assessments and reassessments for aged care
  • Interacting with My Aged Care and health professionals
  • Accessing aged/home or allied health services
  • Researching available options and engaging with providers
  • Providing guidance on completion of forms and understanding service agreements
  • Checking in once services are up and running
  • Helping with other challenges and connecting with community-based supports
What is a Care Finder unable to help with?

A Care Finder cannot recommend which provider or service a person should choose or provide financial or legal advice.

Where we are unable to assist, we will refer you to the appropriate service.

Are Care Finder’s services confidential?

Yes. Our services are confidential and discreet.

We need and will seek client permission for any referrals and our Care Finders will always seek the person’s permission before discussing the situation with anyone else or taking any action.

Can a Care Finder support clients with impaired capacity?

It is not our role to assess a person’s capacity.

We follow a process that ensures people do not have their rights compromised by their lack, or perceived lack of ability to give clear direction.

We will look at whether the person is able to make a decision regarding lifestyle choices and appropriate care services.

What is a care finder service?

The care finder program delivers a national face-to-face network of care finders supporting vulnerable older people, who do not have a trusted support person to help navigate and assist them to access aged care services and other relevant supports in the community.

It was developed in response to findings from the Aged Care Royal Commission that the complexity of the aged care system can be a challenge for some older people seeking to understand and access aged care support.

The care finder program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

Care finder services have been commissioned and managed through the Primary Health Networks across Australia and will complement existing aged care advocacy services.

COTA Tasmania has been contracted by Primary Health Tasmania to deliver the care finder service across Tasmania.

Where does COTA Tasmania deliver Care Finder services?

COTA Tasmania is a statewide care finder provider.

We offer support across Tasmania with offices in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie, which includes supporting people in rural and remote areas across Tasmania.

How do I contact COTA Tasmania’s Care Finder program?

Please contact our Intake Team on 1800 518 048 during office hours Monday to Friday, or email

Client Stories


Ada’s Story

Independent her entire life, 90-year-old Ada is a valuable contributing member of her community.

After an hospital admission, Ada required additional support for showering, meals, and transport.

Struggling to afford the extra costs and unsure where to turn, Ada was feeling overwhelmed about her circumstances, alone and anxious about what the future might hold.

After a referral to Care Finder, a member of the team visited Ada in her home, and together they made a plan.

With the Care Finder’s help, Ada’s aged care services were re-prioritised and a Home Care Package arranged to provide more support. Ada was able to choose a service provider that made her feel comfortable.

Ada is now receiving the support she needs and feeling confident and capable in her own home.

John’s Story

John, a 78-year-old man with mental ill-health and a terminal illness, was referred to the Care Finder program in early September.

Living alone with no support, John’s goal was to move quickly into a specific residential aged care facility (RACF). Unsure how to make it happen, he sought help.

The Care Finder worked closely with John, liaising with the RACF and completing necessary admissions paperwork. With help from Palliative Care Services, they arranged extra support hours to help John prepare his home for the move.

Thanks to the swift coordination between the Care Finder and the RACF, John transitioned smoothly into his facility of choice, where staff greeted him warmly by name.

As he settled in, John expressed his gratitude: “Thank you, I don’t know how I could have done this without your help.”

He passed away in mid-November, safe and comfortable, receiving the care he needed at the end of his life.

Getting Support

Asking for help for myself

Please contact our Intake Team on 1800 518 048  during office hours Monday to Friday.

Don’t worry if you are unsure if the Care Finder program is right for you. When you call, we will ask some questions so we can determine the best way to support you.

Or fill-in an online Client Enquiry form and the Care Finder Intake team will get back to you shortly:

Online enquiry

Asking for help for someone else

If someone you know is eligible for Care Finder support, please contact our Intake Team on 1800 518 048  during office hours Monday to Friday.

If you are calling on someone else’s behalf, you will need to have their consent.

When you call you will need to answer some questions so we can determine the best way to offer support.

Online Referrals welcomed. Please complete Client Referral form:

Online referral

Care Finder in your community

There other ways to find out more about COTA Tasmania and the Care Finder program in my community.

COTA Tasmania Care Finders can visit community groups, social support groups and other events, for face to face, phone or online, to meet and greet and talk about the Care Finder program.

Please note Care Finders do not provide information sessions on Aged Care Navigation and/or Aged Care Services and providers.

If you’d like more information, please email


COTA Tasmania Care Finders welcome the opportunity to meet with Referral Partners and Health/Allied Health professionals and respective teams to talk about the Care Finder program.

Please send a request by email to

More resources

Find additional materials to help you navigate aged care services.

Care Finders Resources: Access printable posters, postcards, brochures, and short videos that explain the Care Finder program. Ideal for sharing with others.

Aged Care Resources: Discover guides and information to help you understand and navigate the Aged Care System. If you’re not eligible for the Care Finder program, but need information on how to navigate the Aged Care system, we’ve collected frequently asked questions and trusted resources to help point you in the right direction.

Translated Care Finder Resources: Access a selection of Care Finder program resources that have been translated into various languages, ensuring important information is available to everyone. We encourage you to download and share these resources as needed.

Community Activities: Other community services and groups to provide connection and activity.