COTA Tasmania is part of the Tasmanian community and has a number of programs that support older Tasmanians to age well.
Ageing My Way is an exhibition of photographs and quotes from older Tasmanians sharing the things that are important to them as they age.
More information The Well at Home initiatives provide information on healthy eating, improving your personal wellbeing and strength and balance training at home. The Well at Home initiatives have been supported by grant funding from the Tasmanian Government.
More information Click here to explore social, learning and physical activities in your local area and around Tasmania.
More information Vaccinations COVID-19 can be very serious for adults in high-risk groups, even when they are fully vaccinated. Everyone five years and older can now book an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine. An additional booster dose, known as the fourth dose, is now available to people 30 years and older and…
More information Find contact details for general services and information.
More information COTA Tasmania has services to support people who need legal advice and IT support.
More information From time to time opportunities will arise to participate in community consultation and research projects.
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