
COTA Tasmania (Council on the Ageing) has been the voice of older Tasmanians for 60 years.

Our Vision: Ageing in Australia is a time of possibility, opportunity and influence.

Our Mission: We advance the rights, interests and futures of Australians as we age.

Our Values

  • Respect: We respect and value the contribution and lived experience of Australians as they age and support each person’s right to make choices and to participate in their community.
  • Diversity: We value the great diversity that characterises Australians of all ages and are committed to genuine exchange and engagement with all older people in Australia.
  • Collaboration: We communicate and work collaboratively with older people, with each other, with our partners, and with the Australian community to achieve the vision and mission of COTA.
  • Integrity: We operate accountably, ethically, honestly and openly, and strive for excellence in all our interactions.

View our 5-year strategic plan for 2020 to 2025.

Rethink Ageing NewsletterRethink Ageing Newsletter

COTA Tasmania's Between the Lines Newsletter is emailed monthly and presents our latest work and raises awareness of issues affecting older Tasmanians. Signing up is free.
More information