State of the Older Nation – Tasmanian results

This research was commissioned by the Federation of nine Councils on the Ageing (COTA) across Australia – including all eight COTA state and territory organisations and COTA Australia – in order to understand the views, life experiences and needs of Australians aged 50+.

This landmark report on the experiences and views of Older Australians is the second of the COTA Federation’s State Of The Older Nation (SOTON) reports. It tells a story of an older generation often experiencing ageism, who less often perceive themselves as happy, healthy, financially secure or connected to community than the previous report.

The information presented in this report, and this series is intended to inform policy debates now, and into the future.

The full report can be accessed here

The Tasmanian report can be accessed here FINAL -COTA SOTON21_TAS-Report_Digital_Single