What’s it really like trying to get a job when you’re over 45?
COTA Tasmania has received funding from the Tasmanian Government to identify and reduce barriers to mature-age work in our State.
We are seeking the views of older jobseekers as we design a website that will be a one-stop information hub for older workers and businesses.
If you are aged over 45 and have been looking for work, please consider sharing your real-world experiences with us in a focus group.
Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Date: Tuesday 27 August
Location: St John’s Ambulance training rooms, 177 Main Road, Moonah. (The venue is on the bus route and has parking at the rear.)
RSVP: Friday 23 August to lynm@cotatas.org.au or by ringing 6231 3265
Voucher: All participants in the focus group for jobseekers aged over 45 will receive a $100 voucher to compensate for any expenses incurred.