Embracing the Future: Tasmania’s Ageing Profile Part I details the demographic profile of Tasmania’s ageing population today and into the future. It includes state, regional and local government area research to provide government, business and community with data to understand and plan for Tasmania’s ageing population. Some of the key findings from the report include:
- Tasmania’s population is ageing – it is the oldest state or territory in Australia, its population structure is ageing fastest of all states and territories, and it appears to be ageing faster than current Tasmanian projection data indicate.
- Almost 20% of Tasmania’s population is over 65 years, and four local government areas (LGAs) have over 25% of the population over 65 years. Current projections indicate that by 2037, 24 LGAs will have over 25% of the population aged over 65 years (four LGAs will have over 40% by 2037).
- Tasmania’s ageing population appears to be due to both younger people leaving the State and older people moving to the State.
- There are many opportunities and challenges that come with an ageing population, and Tasmania’s communities, state and local governments must embrace as well as plan for this demographic shift.
- The attraction of Tasmania for older mainlanders could be a real opportunity for the State, as these people bring knowledge, skills, experience and economic opportunity to Tasmania.
Embracing the Future Part II will detail the ‘who’ and ‘how’ of ageing in Tasmania, including information about health and disability, household structure, socioeconomic status, employment and cultural diversity.
Embracing the Future is proudly supported by the Tasmanian Government through Strong Liveable Communities: Tasmania’s Active Ageing Plan 2017-2022.