Provider reporting

Provider reporting

As outlined in the Provider Accreditation Agreement, Living Longer Living Stronger Providers must submit quarterly reports using the online form below.

Living Longer Living Stronger: quarterly reporting

  • Please specify the organisation (provider) name. If you're trading under your own name (e.g. as a sole trader), please enter your name here.
  • Please provide your first and last name.
  • Please provide your email address. We'll send a report submission confirmation to the email address you provide.
  • Please select the applicable reporting period.
  • Please select the appropriate year for this reporting period.
  • Please enter the number of initial assessments (i.e. for new participants) that were conducted during this quarter. If none were conducted, please enter 0 (zero). Please enter numerical characters (numbers) only in this field.
  • Please enter the number of Living Longer Living Stronger sessions delivered during the quarter (do not include initial assessments). If no sessions were delivered during the period, please enter 0 (zero). Please enter numerical characters (numbers) only in this field.
  • Please enter the number of participants that did five (5) or more sessions during the quarter. If there are no participants that attended 5 or more sessions during the period, please enter 0 (zero). Please enter numerical characters (numbers) only in this field.
  • Please enter the number of participants that did less than five (5) sessions during the quarter (0-4 sessions). Please include participants that attended no sessions (zero) in this period, if they had attended sessions in the previous period and you believe they intend to participate in future sessions. If there are no participants that attended less than 5 sessions during the period, please enter 0 (zero). Please enter numerical characters (numbers) only in this field.
  • If you have any additional comments about the report, please add them here. This field is optional.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.